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3D para todo.

 Vía: http://www.instructables.com/id/Project-RE-by-Samuel-Bernier/

maquette orange.jpg
maquettes bleu.jpgcahier de sketch.jpg
bouteille 1.jpegCapture d�����cran 2012-01-11 �� 09.54.36.pngCapture d�����cran 2012-01-11 �� 09.54.47.png
DSC_0166.JPGsamuel bernier lids.jpgsamuel bernier, lids tower.jpg
Long before going 3D, I made sketches to determine what my empty containers were about to become. To test the volumes and function, I used paper models, then polyurethane foam models. I followed the same design process I use to create industrial goods. Once all the objects were determined, I used Rhino and Solidworks to make precise 3D models that I turned into .stl files, ready to print. In the next steps, you will find the specifications and the STL file for the selected open source product. 

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