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Cinta métrica espectacular.

Any Kinda Tape

The Hole Measuring Tape is pretty innovative with many facets to it. It allows you to draw straight lines and circles with precision. Although not clarifies, I am assuming the tape is retractable and offers measures in more than one measuring system. Simple and functional, I’m sure you designers will love it!

The Hole Measuring Tape is a 2012 iF Design Talents Award entry.
Designer: Sunghoon Jung

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2012/08/30/any-kindatape/#4OMBz3i39Djo9mKX.99


"Polak 2010"

INTI: mayor autonomía tecnológica

Un equipo técnico del INTI desarrolló el ROUTER CNC "Polak 2010", con el cual se puede realizar movimientos 3D, controlado por computadora. El desarrollo permite avanzar en la idea de una mayor autonomía tecnológica.

El desarrollo permite avanzar en la idea de una mayor autonomía tecnológica a través de la investigación, diseño y construcción de una máquina que permite realizar piezas en 3D que mejoren la productividad de un gran margen de industrias nacionales.

El desarrollo del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industria (INTI), es un Router CNC con el cual se puede realizar movimientos 3D, controlado por computadora; de aquí surge la sigla CNC como Control Numérico Computarizado.

La idea surgió de la inquietud de tres técnicos del INTI cuyo objetivo fue investigar, diseñar y construir un equipo flexible a una gran variedad de tecnologías existentes, permitiendo la generación de nuevo conocimiento.

Se comenzó con una investigación de las tecnologías disponibles y la demanda de los diferentes sectores locales, tales como fabricantes de carteles, moldes, maquetas (prototipos), etc. Con esos datos se realizó el diseño, cuyas características técnicas pudiera satisfacer a la mayoría de estos sectores. Así se planteó la construcción integral del Router CNC “Polak2010”.

En el desarrollo intervino un grupo interdisciplinario con integrantes de tres organismos pertenecientes al INTI: INTI-Economía Industrial, INTI-Mecánica y U.E. Cruz del Eje-.

El equipo sirve para trabajar materiales de baja y media resistencia al viruteado (plástico, madera, aluminio, entre otros) y permite realizar una gran cantidad de piezas en producciones pequeñas o medianas. Cabe destacar que sobre la misma estructura se pueden instalar distintos sistemas como ser láser para grabado y corte, una fresadora, un sistema de corte por agua a alta presión, oxicorte, entre otros.

El “Polak 2010” (llamado así en homenaje a un compañero de trabajo apodado "el polaco" fallecido en el 2010) en poco tiempo contará con la posibilidad de realizar piezas en 4D con geometrías más complejas.

Todos los países desarrollados y aquellos que tienen un plan de desarrollo estratégico defienden, apoyan, sostienen, financian y asisten tecnológicamente al sector productor de estos bienes de capital, en su calidad de medios de producción que producen medios de producción y, así, desarrollan las fuerzas productivas del país.

Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI)

Procesos de chapa


3D para todo.

 Vía: http://www.instructables.com/id/Project-RE-by-Samuel-Bernier/

maquette orange.jpg
maquettes bleu.jpgcahier de sketch.jpg
bouteille 1.jpegCapture d�����cran 2012-01-11 �� 09.54.36.pngCapture d�����cran 2012-01-11 �� 09.54.47.png
DSC_0166.JPGsamuel bernier lids.jpgsamuel bernier, lids tower.jpg
Long before going 3D, I made sketches to determine what my empty containers were about to become. To test the volumes and function, I used paper models, then polyurethane foam models. I followed the same design process I use to create industrial goods. Once all the objects were determined, I used Rhino and Solidworks to make precise 3D models that I turned into .stl files, ready to print. In the next steps, you will find the specifications and the STL file for the selected open source product. 

Remixar motos.


Vehículo propulsado con destornillador eléctrico.

Rennholz Vehicle Concept :: Powered by Bosch (Cordless screwdriver) (1)
Rennholz Vehicle Concept :: Powered by Bosch (Cordless screwdriver) (2)
Rennholz Vehicle Concept :: Powered by Bosch (Cordless screwdriver) (3)
“This is what happens when an Eames chair gets tired of sitting around and sprouts some tires…and a cordless drill for an engine.”
– megadeluxe

Rennholz Vehicle Concept :: Powered by Bosch (Cordless screwdriver) (4)
Rennholz Vehicle Concept :: Powered by Bosch (Cordless screwdriver) (5)
Rennholz Vehicle Concept :: Powered by Bosch (Cordless screwdriver) (6)
Rennholz Vehicle Concept :: Powered by Bosch (Cordless screwdriver) (7)
About this concept:
Rennholz” is to be understood as a statement for e-​mobility and has been developed for the “Akkuschrauberrennen” at the HAWK Hildesheim.
The vehicle is driven by a standard Bosch cordless screwdriver and built out of bent wood. Therefore the concept opens up new perspectives on the use of sustainable materials for vehicle construction. Besides sustainability, wood brings some more benefits to vehicle construction. The natural flexibility of bent wood, for example, has a positive impact on driving comfort.
The Vehicle concept developed by the design students Jirka Wolff, Andreas Patsiaouras and Marcel Heise, won the grand price of the jury and audience award at the “Akkuschrauberrennen” 2011.

Vía: http://megadeluxe.com/gear/rennholz-vehicle-concept-powered-by-bosch-cordless-screwdriver#more-11921 

Limpia tubos de fábrica.

Vía: http://www.core77.com/blog/business/an_obscure_id_firm_grows_through_the_recession_22613.asp


Concentrar la energía del sol.

Enviado por Pety. 

spherical glass solar energy generator by andre rawlemon

german born, barcelona-based architect andré broessel has sent us images of his latest development of a spherical glass

solar energy generator. the project uses the advantageous strategy of implementing a ball lens and specific geometrical
structure to improve energy efficiency by 35%. in contrast to its traditional photo-voltaic 'dual-axis' counterparts,
the device incorporates a fully rotational weatherproof natural optical tracking device that is adequate for functioning
on inclined surfaces and curtain walls, empowering any building surface. the new solar generating concept has
capabilities that concentrate diffused daylight or moonlight for a more effective site context application.

left: first prototype with dual axis tracking system and triple junction cellsright: second prototype including multiple ball lenses with dual axis tracking system and triple junction cells

left: second prototype showing light transmission through 3 ball lenses
right: second prototype showing performance in different light diffusion situations 

third prototype water filled ready for measuring multiple PV cells concepts and thermal energy

measuring the focal point temperature and the radiation intensity

moonlight study of concentrated light arriving to solar cell

measuring the focal plane of a ball lens

left: set up of the 6 axis precision measurement instrument
right: set up for the direct beam measurement system

comparison of the different existing solar energy providers

render of the solar generator in context for building application

different application context

Skate para bajar escaleras.

Filmed by Juriaan Booij
Material : aluminum, maple, bamboo, PU rubber, PVC
Inspiring action
The piece aims to expanding the capability and possibility of extreme sports as we understand them. Inherited from our natural instincts, sliding as children and snowboarding as adults, the focus is on one of the most influential and stimulating sports – skateboading, aiming to push the boundaries further. The piece creates a groundbreaking form of sport which previously never existed and utilises the hidden energy of our cities – stairs. STAIR ROVER – the Stairboard is a product that relies on the other product – stairs, which are found easily within the human habitat, especially in cities. This is an outstanding performance reflecting where we as residents live and what we love.
Inspiring values
Extreme sports are hugely various and engages many people to be involved. Indeed, extreme sports are one if the latest crazes in our culture with kids as young as four and five years old fascinated by it. This is an innate behaviour from the deepest recesses of ourselves, keen to challenge ourselves and look for the edge of what we are capable of. It is an activity highly reliant on the balance of danger, control and excitement. There are very few sports which can compete with skateboarding which can boast so many people having experienced them so enthusiastically in this generation.
Creating a legacy
No city is so fascinating and encouraging as London. Few can outline the metropolitan diversity so perfectly as this place. The Barbican Centre presents its Urban Stories, indicating that the sub-culture of graffiti, free-running, skateboarding, street dance, and extreme sports are now accepted and a valid and valuable influence on our generation. London is my inspiration. It leads me to craft a new hybrid sport around the classic skateboard and novel stair climbing mechanism. The project aims to create a new experience for users to rove along the landscape of the city. This advanced boarding activity turns boundaries and restrictions into a positive and creative physical enquiry into the ever changing kinesis of the urban ecostytem.
All rights reserved. Any use of information must obtain permission from the original creator.   ©pochihlai.com 2012

Surtido Ikea project.


Yonoh sent over their latest project, a lamp made out of IKEA parts for Surtido. The premise behind Surtido de Mutaciones is pretty interesting…Basically that IKEA is actually a supplier of raw materials, rather than of finished products. They challenged 35 designers to go to IKEA and to come up with new products that used existing IKEA parts. Everything used in their products had to come from IKEA, including screws, seats, screens, etc.
Prior to the assembly of all of the projects.
Yonoh and Enblanc.

Sandra Bautista (left) and Mar Llinés.


Mas cómodos en el avión.

Priestman Goode unveils concept for air passengers with disabilities

With athletes flying in from around the world to take part in the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Priestman Goode has unveiled a concept to make it easier for passengers with disabilities to travels by aeroplane.
Air Access
The Air Access Design is based around a detachable wheelchair by which passengers can be transported on and off the plane. This can then attach to a fixed-frame aisle seat to create a regular airline seat.
The design features 360º-pivoting wheels to allow the seat to slide sideways into the frame, and the two elements can be locked together throughout the flight.
Priestman Goode claims that around 20 per cent of the UK’s adult population are currently affected by some form of disability or mobility difficulty.
Air Access
Priestman Goode founder Paul Priestman says, ‘At present there are some accessibility regulations on aircraft, however they cater only for the most basic requirements. As a result, passengers with special needs often face considerable difficulties when travelling by air.
‘It is a matter of equality that people with reduced mobility should have the same rights to a quality passenger experience that able-bodied people have.’
The designs have also been hailed by Jennifer Howitt Browning, assistant coach of the British women’s Paralympic wheelchair basketball team and a former Paralympian.
Air Access
She says, ‘I travel by air frequently and at times it has been an ordeal. I applaud any initiative that tries to tackle this problem, and hope that Air Access will stimulate constructive discussions between airports, seat vendors and disability bodies.’